
Writing Readable R Code

The R code you may find on the web can be a little hard to read. Below is a sample that displays a grid of covariates.

# Pairs plots with smoothScatter, Pearson’s and histograms


z=cbind(v1, v2, v3, v4)  ## variables to assess

panel.pearson <- function(x, y, ...) {  ## upper panel display for Pearson’s
  horizontal <- (par("usr")[1] + par("usr")[2]) / 2;
  vertical <- (par("usr")[3] + par("usr")[4]) / 2;
  text(horizontal, vertical, format(abs(cor(x,y)),  digits=2, cex=2))
pairs(z, cex.axis=1.3,  cex.labels=3, lower.panel=function(...){par(new=TRUE);smoothScatter(..., nrpoints=0)},
      diag.panel=function(...){par(new=TRUE);hist(..., main="", breaks=50, col="orange", nrpoints=0)}, 
	upper.panel=panel.pearson) ### create histogram in the diagonal panel and density scatter in the lower panel

The line with "panel.pearson" creates a function that organizes the data into a grid using "horizontal" and "vertical".

The really challenging part to read is the line with the "pairs()" function. Notice that the writer has created a number of functions that are created in the parameter list and then passed into "pairs". I do not recommend this approach. The other problem is that we have to put this code in anywhere we want to use this chart.

In the code below, I've created a function that takes a series of variables which can then be called in a much simpler way than the code above. The complexity is hidden in the function. This code can then be saved in a file and used in any script we need it in.

# Utility functions to diplay
# Pairs plots with smoothScatter, Pearson's and histograms

# Function to display the pearsons values in the upper-right panels
# For additional information on the graphic parameters:
PearsonPanel <- function(x, y, ...) 
  horizontal <- (par("usr")[1] + par("usr")[2]) / 2;
  vertical <- (par("usr")[3] + par("usr")[4]) / 2;
  CorrelationMatrix=cor(x,y) # Create the correlation matrix between x and y
  # Format the text (cex=scale factor for font size, digits=sig digits)
  FormattedMatrix=format(abs(CorrelationMatrix),  digits=2, cex=5)
  # Function to put the correlation values into the panels
  text(horizontal, vertical, FormattedMatrix)

# Function to display the smoothed scatttergrams in the lower-left panels
  par(new=TRUE); # sets the graphic parameter "new" to true (keeps the drawing frame from being erased)
  smoothScatter(...) # parameters passed are sent as "..."

# This is the dialogal plots with histograms
  hist(..., main="", breaks=50, col="orange")

# This is the main function to call to display the scatter plots
  # Create a matrix of scatter plots
  pairs(z,  #data frame with value
        cex.axis=AxisFontSize,  cex.labels=DiagonalLabelFontSize, 
        upper.panel=PearsonPanel) ### create histogram in the diagonal panel and density scatter in the lower panel

Now, we can include the code above from a script that is saved separately and call the function very easily:

# Main script to show two approaches to writing R code.

# Including the utilities folder with "NiceScatterPlot()"

# vectors to test.  Try different values here.

# Vectors converted into a table
z=cbind(v1, v2, v3, v4)  # variables to assess

# This is the original code that while it works, is a little difficult for
# me to understand and modify.

panel.pearson <- function(x, y, ...) { ## upper panel display for Pearson’s
  horizontal <- (par("usr")[1] + par("usr")[2]) / 2;
  vertical <- (par("usr")[3] + par("usr")[4]) / 2;
  text(horizontal, vertical, format(abs(cor(x,y)),  digits=2, cex=2))

pairs(z, cex.axis=1.3,  cex.labels=3, lower.panel=function(...){par(new=TRUE);smoothScatter(..., nrpoints=0)},
      diag.panel=function(...){par(new=TRUE);hist(..., main="", breaks=50, col="orange", nrpoints=0)}, upper.panel=panel.pearson) ### create histogram in the diagonal panel and density scatter in the lower panel

# This is a new function that is better structured and will be easier to
# document and understand and thus easier to support.  See "ScatterPlots.R"
# for more information.

Please strive to make your R code readable so others can use it and to encourage everyone to write readable code!

Additional Resources

Quick-R Scatter Plots

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